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Теоретическая грамматика ответы (3 курс, eng).doc
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1) Systematize the main notions of syntax and illustrate with examples

2) Point out the basic features of phrase and give examples

“phrase” every combination pf two or more words which is a grammatical unit but is not an analytical form of some word. The constituent elements of a phrase may belong to any part of speech, they may both be nouns, or one of them may be adjective and the other a noun, or again one of them may be a verb and the other a noun, or one may be a preposition and the other a noun, or there may be three of them, one being a preposition, the other a noun, and the third a preposition. The inconvenience of restricting the notion of phrase to those groups which contain at least two notional words is that, for example, the group “preposition+ noun” remains outside the classifications and is therefore neglected in grammatical theory.

A phrase is a means of naming some phenomena or processes, just as a words is. Each component of a phrase can undergo grammatical changes in accordance with grammatical categories represented in it, without destroying the identity of the phrase. In the phrase write letters the first component can change according to the verbal categories of tense, mood and the second component according to the category of number. Thus, writes a letter, has written a letter etc.

3)Formulate the definitions of subject

Ответ №14

4) Speak about the classification of phrase according the structure

The phrase was considered to be any syntactical group of notional words agreed with each other. At present phrase is considered to be every combination of two or more words which are grammatical unique not an analytical form of some words. Phrase may denote: complete, an action, a quality. The type “noun+noun” is a most usual type of phrase in Modern English, the type “noun in the common case+ noun” may be used to denote one idea as modified by another, in widest sense, the type “noun in the genitive case+case” has a more restricted meaning and use, the type “verb+noun” may correspondent to two different types of relations between an action and a thing.

5) Speak about classification of phrase according to the head component

A syntactical relations between the component of the phrase is the syntactical bond. The are two theories concerning the types of syntactic bond. Professor Ilyish distinguishes two main syntactical reltions between components of a phrase: agreement, government. Agreement is a method of expressing a syntactical relationship which consists of making subordinate words take a form similar to that of a word to which it is subordinate. Government is the use of the certain form of the subordinate word, required by its head but not, coincide with the form of the head word etc.

6) Give general characteristic of the sentence

Sentence- is a communication unit and intentionally marked, make up words, contains subject and predicate, expresses, complete idea or asks questions. The notion of sentence has not so far received a satisfactory definition, which would enable us by applying it in every particular case to find out whether a certain linguistic unit was a sentence or not. According structural aspect – simple, composite, types of sentence according to types of communication- declarative, interrogative, imperative